My Family

My Family

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

School Sports

It’s amazing how much energy parents put into their kids’ sports these days. Sometimes you need to take a step back and put things into perspective.  I know every parent wants their kids to do the best they can, but sometimes you’re hurting their character by pushing too hard.

Some children don’t make it onto the “A” team, so the parents will blame and speak negatively about other kids, the school, the coaches; sometimes even pulling their child out of the sport altogether in an attempt to prove a point.

What are you teaching your child?
1.       Your own wants outweigh or are more important than that of another child
2.       It’s okay to be mean to others when you don’t get what you want
3.       You don’t have to work hard to prove them wrong, quitting will suffice
4.       It’s better to be a good athlete than a good person

God has given each child a different gift - not all of them are meant to be pro athletes...especially not in middle school. Even Michael Jordan didn’t make the varsity team the first time he tried out, but his parents told him not to give up, so he worked harder to hone his skills.
Here’s what I tell the kids on the playground, “good athletes don’t speak, they just are.”

You need to encourage your children to be confident in whatever position or team they’re on, be a team player, cheer on their peers, and most of all, work hard. These are the things that build character and they can use in whatever career path they end up going down.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

North Texas Giving Day

In honor of North Texas Giving Day, some words of wisdom from Mother Teresa:

Set a good example for your children by doing - show them how they can make a difference in the community and the lives of others. If you don’t have money, give your time, a helping hand, a word of encouragement, even a smile can make a difference.

If you do have a little something extra in your wallet, tomorrow September 17th is North Texas Giving Day. From 6am to Midnight, donations of $25 or more can be made to over 2,100 certified nonprofits listed on on the North Texas Giving Day website, and all donations will be matched (by a percentage).

And if you have some free time, you can go to NorthPark Center from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. to meet some of the featured charities. This is a great time to learn about volunteer opportunities in your community!


Saturday, September 12, 2015

New School Year, New Stress

It’s the beginning of a new school year, which can bring on a lot of stress. For parents, you’re trying to get into a new routine, buy school supplies, juggle schedules, etc. But it’s important to remember that this time is stressful for everyone – kids too (although they may not call it that). They’re also adjusting to a new routine, as well as new rules, new teachers, and new peers. As a parent, it’s important that you don’t let your own stress overwhelm you because it will only add to the nerves that your child may already feel. They’re looking at you to set the pace, and your attitude is usually reflected in your child’s.

Here are some tips that helped me:

  • Start a routine and be consistent – it helps to have some time with the TV off and no phone or social media distractions 
  • Get as much done in the evenings as possible so you don’t start off each day in a frenzy - the morning sets the tone for the day so keep your cool 
  • Set expectations – have a discussion with your kids so everyone is on the same page 

As the playground lady, I do carpool every morning. Carpool begins at 7:30am, and I had to get 6 kids up and ready for school. One of the decisions I made as a mother was not to yell at my kids every morning. I did as much as possible in the evenings, woke up with enough time to do our morning routine, and had the conversation with my children so they knew the expectations. Then I spoke to the principal and told her I’ll do carpool and be there every morning, but I’m not going to get a divorce over it. Somedays I was 10 minutes late, and it was okay…14 years later, I’m still doing carpool.