My Family

My Family



My name is Sharon Wetzel. I'm new to blogging, and technology in general (my daughter is helping me). I work at an elementary school in Dallas, TX as a teacher's aid, and the students know me as "The Playground Lady". During my years at the school, I've learned a lot and continue to learn and grow on a daily basis. Many parents come to me for advice at the school, and I've noticed a need for a voice of reason in many instances. I hope to offer some guidance to families on a broader spectrum through this blog.

Here's a little bit more about me and my family:

I'm a twin, one of eight, and we grew up in what I like to call a "normal-dysfunctional" family (every family has some amount of dysfunction, but that's what makes life interesting). Born in New York, we moved to Illinois, and settled in Dallas, Texas when we were in middle school. My parents are proud American Irish Catholics and we were raised to love each other and God above all. Six of the eight siblings still live within a two mile radius of my parents. They continue to lead by example and are an inspiration to their 36 grandchildren and great-grandchildren - rarely missing a game or school event, and always hosting family gatherings.

I met my husband in high-school, and we started dating in college. We got married at the age of 22 and had our first and only daughter when I was 25. After she was born, five boys followed, the last being twins. You can see them all in the picture above.

Life wasn't always easy - we were young and broke raising 6 kids, but we worked hard and made sacrifices, always putting our children first. I'm so proud of the people that they have become - all have very different personalities, but they love each other, and they are good, kind, hard-working citizens. 

I'll be telling a lot of stories about my past and present throughout this blog - I truly believe that every experience can teach a lesson and give you (and others) an opportunity to grow as a person. God never stops creating and people should never stop growing.  

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